
Mortgage Calculator

A mortgage calculator is a financial tool or software designed to help individuals and potential homebuyers estimate various aspects of their mortgage loan. 

Refinance Calculator

A refinance calculator for loans is a financial tool or software designed to help borrowers assess the potential benefits of refinancing an existing loan. 

Extra Payment Calculator​

An Extra Payment Calculator for mortgages is a specific type of financial tool or software designed to help homeowners with mortgage loans understand the impact of making extra payments towards their mortgage.

How much home
can I afford?

Is a financial tool or software designed to help individuals determine the approximate price range of homes they can afford based on their financial situation. It takes into account various financial factors, including income, expenses, down payment, interest rates, and loan terms.

Principal Calculator

Is a financial tool or software designed to help borrowers understand how much of their monthly mortgage payment goes toward paying down the loan’s principal balance.

Tax Benefits of Buying

Is a financial tool or software designed to help individuals estimate the potential tax advantages and savings associated with purchasing a home and obtaining a mortgage.

What's my APR?

Is a financial tool or software designed to help borrowers determine their Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for a loan or credit card. The APR is a comprehensive measure of the cost of borrowing, as it includes both the interest rate and certain fees associated with the loan.

Interest-Only Calculator

Is a financial tool or software designed to help borrowers calculate and understand the financial implications of an interest-only mortgage. An interest-only mortgage allows borrowers to pay only the interest portion of the loan for a specified period, typically the initial years of the mortgage.

Should I pay Points?

Is a financial tool or software designed to help borrowers determine whether it makes financial sense to pay for discount points in exchange for a lower interest rate on their mortgage.

How much income to qualify?

 Is a financial tool or software designed to help individuals estimate the minimum income required to qualify for a mortgage loan based on their financial situation and the lender’s qualification criteria.

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